Sunday, March 8, 2015

8/31Slice of Life Challenge: A Day of Rest...And Netflix

I love Sunday's for many reasons but one of my favorite things is enjoying a restful day before the big week to come. Knowing that (hopefully) there won't be any more snow days, it's going to be a long week. So today I watched Netflix. A lot of Netflix. I will admit it was a way of procrastinating from a few household chores, but for the most part I basked in relaxation. 
Have you ever felt excited for the week to come? Knowing you were going to get a lot done? Knowing the fresh start of a new week is way more motivating than a relaxing Sunday? 
I'm looking forward to working this week with the kiddos, physical therapy, working out, writer's workshop, and all of those chores I skipped today :). What do you do on your Sunday's? What are you looking forward to this week?


  1. Ahhh, Netflix! I love Netflix. I am currently working my way through The West Wing again! My Sundays start with church...then Target or Wegmans. I usually buy myself lunch and then grading, planning, cleaning. I think you may have inspired a post for next Sunday! Thanks!!!!

    1. I remember The West Wing! What a great show! It sounds like you have wonderful Sundays; I'm glad I was able to inspire someone for a post :)

  2. Ah, Sunday...we need to relax...I loved growing up that Sundays were about rides and dinner out. Sundays today are church (unless it's a writing day), the farmer's market when it opens, and writing. As we are getting ready to move, I also am fitting in getting the yard spruced up.
    This week I look forward to seeing grandgirl swim in a little meet.

    1. What a wonderful Sunday & an exciting week ahead! Good luck to your grandgirl!

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