Sunday, March 1, 2015

1/31 Slice of Life Challenge: A Cheesy Start

I didn't want to post something along the lines of, "I have no clue what to write". But I must say, I have no clue what to write! I am staring at this blank post with the curser blinking intimidatingly and I keep thinking, "I was an English major, I should be able to write something!"

The same four words continued to dance in my head from earlier when I dappled with a new recipe from Pinterest: cheesy broccoli quinoa bites!

So I attempted a brief poem of my newfound obsession for a "healthy" snack I will definitely continue to make!

Cheesy broccoli quinoa bites 
fill my tastebuds with delight!
May I please, may I might, 
have more cheesy broccoli quinoa bites?!

Was that as painful to read as it was for me to write? I feel as if I should have a delicious poem unravel on the page, and yet my mind is preoccupied with to-do lists, lesson plans, grading, family, tax season, and cleaning. I can't seem to focus, but do hope--desperately--that the next 30 days come with a bit more organic grace.

Side note: The original recipe may be found here. I highly recommend trying it! :)


  1. You made me laugh and that's important too! Showing up is the thing!!! I am so glad you are here and slicing with us this year! I can't wait to read more!!!! :)

  2. Yummy, I'll be back for that recipe! I totally feel like I am in the same state of mind with a thousand other things running through my mind, even when I sit to write for this challenge. -amacafe

  3. Might have to get the recipe. Glad you are on board for the SOLSC15. And have fun with the writing.

  4. Those look awesome! Bring some for lunch tomorrow? I also love your title, always appreciate a good pun :)

  5. These cheesy bites sound delish! Glad you are here's all about noticing the small moments...your slice is perfect!
